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Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goals. Show all posts

January 4, 2012

Design the life you want to live

Four days into the new year.  What do you plan to accomplish? What is your vision for 2012? How do you plan to get there? Here is an idea to keep you on track with your resolutions, goals, and turning your dreams into reality.

Create a Vision Board

Start by browsing through old magazines, cut out pictures that relate to your goals. If you want more money, cut out a dollar sign or an individual you feel has accomplished this task. If you want to travel cut out the places you would like to visit and paste them on your vision board. A cork board will do, just have some thumb tags handy.

Now, the pictures serve as a reminder of what you plan to achieve. Make a conscious effort to pursue these ideas everyday. Some of these events can be what you want to accomplish in your lifetime. (Those are okay to put on the board too!)

Always strive to be a better version of yourself.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

April 15, 2011

I'm thankful for...

Today is not Thanksgiving day, however, everyday I try to remember what to be thankful for. Especially on not so fabulous days. Maintaining a positive attitude I feel is key in order to pursue any goal in life. Maybe, I am too optimistic and naive, but I rather be in this state of mind, than be know as a 'debbie-downer.'

When I get in my bitter-salty moods, the only way I can snap out of it, is to write down what is important. Truly important. Not my favorite Bratz doll, although I do find them amazingly beautiful. Not my build-a-turtle with diamonds and pearls, even though she is truly fabulous. Not my cellphone or any other electronic device, making my social world fairly easy.

If I stripped all the accessories, decorations, or anything else I truly do not need in order to live, what am I ultimately thankful for?

I try not be cliche' with terms or statements that lack meaning. Such as just writing 'life.' Be thankful for life, yes, but I find that too broad and does not really grasp the core of the exercise. I would prefer writing down, 'being thankful for living a life where I never had to worry about my basic needs.' I have received many wants in my life that I have convinced myself to be a need.

But, I truly cannot say that I lived a life and did not have to worry about the necessities, food, clothing, shelter, and love. If anything, I have had only options for each of those categories. So, even though I didn't have a fabulous day mentally, I know today was probably worst for someone else in the world.

To be thankful for list

Even though I am the biggest cheerleader and motivator for my life, I too, have to sit back and remember what is really important. Cliche' Alert: I have to remember that plans are wonderful, but I have to take one day at a time.

I'll share with you my first three:

1. Living a life without worry of receiving my needs.
2. My curly hair.
3. Another day to pursue my dreams.

 I hope you take the time to discover what you are thankful for.

Here's to always being your BEST, even on your not so fabulous days!

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