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Showing posts with label fragrance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fragrance. Show all posts

November 26, 2012

Sassy sugar scrub

Inspired by my favorite lip balm: C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve, I wanted to create something just as sweet for my hands.

What you'll need:
1/8 cup of extra virgin olive oil
2/3 cup granulated white sugar
10-12 drops of fragrance
8-10 drops of vitamin E oil
5oz leak-proof jar
red food coloring
decorative rose

Where to shop:
Grocery store: olive oil, sugar, food coloring
Hobby Lobby: Crafty Candle Fragrance
Something Fabulous fragrance, 
Vitamin E oil, ribbon, flower accessory
Sally's Beauty Supply: 5oz jar

Mix your ingredients in a bowl separate from your jar. Add more fragrance if olive oil is too overpowering. Add red food coloring so the color matches the scent. 
Spoon ingredients in the jar.

Perfect for a homemade gift, beauty night, or just to simply treat yourself.


Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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