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March 13, 2012

Candy-coated memories


"All I really need is love, but a little candy now and then doesn't hurt!" - Charles Schulz

As I was shopping for some last minute groceries, I could not help but notice the over-the-top Easter displays of candy, treats, and other goodies. I was surprised that I was not even tempted to buy one treat.

Then I thought, maybe I only enjoyed candy because how pretty my Easter baskets looked. How every wrapper was pastel with a cute Easter bunny that had handwriting exactly like my Mom's. (insert smile here).

I also realized that my favorite candy growing up is not readily available, out-dated, and not considered cool anymore. However, this does not mean that my favorite candies aren't still special.

From zebra striped gum, candy wax soda bottles, to Skor bars I have some pretty fond memories associated with these candies. My family also collected kol-aid stamps for fun, even though we never redeemed them for the prize.

If you have a sweet tooth for life...create your life full of sweet memories that will having you craving for more times like these.

Until next time,

Here's to always being your B.E.S.T!

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